الأحد، 8 نوفمبر 2009

Almost to the end of his life, he lived ensconced within pebble dash...

Last night I was catching up on my reading; I picked up the October issue of Harper's, which had a review of a book about J. G. Ballard, whom I have previously blogged as a favorite author. The book review was unremarkable until I encountered this passage -
The few times I met Ballard, I was struck by his very traditional manners and his beautiful voice. Almost to the end of his life, he lived ensconced within pebble dash in South London's Shepperton (a non-place singled out for early destruction in Wells's War of the Worlds), seated on a deck chair amid silver palm trees, a "typical suburban lord of the manor," as The Paris Review described him.
I had never heard of pebbledash before, and it's not in my OED as a single word. Here's the Wiki description, and here and here are photos of examples. I presume the etymology comes from dashing/throwing the pebbles against the wall. You learn something every day.

Photo source.

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