الاثنين، 9 نوفمبر 2009

Westboro Baptist Church now protesting outside Sidwell Friends School

Westboro Baptist Church, the fringe-of-the-fringe anti-gay group famous for protesting at military funerals and claiming that God is punishing the country for its tolerance of homosexuality, was spotted this morning protesting outside Sidwell Friends, the school attended by Sasha and Malia Obama...

They believe that the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, as well as the ensuing wars and even the mass shooting last week at Fort Hood, are punishment from God for tolerance of homosexuality. They plan to picket the Fort Hood memorial service this Tuesday...

"Quakers?! Are you frigging kidding me? You pretend to be all non-violent, and you allow the most bloody, deceitful, evil, murderous bastard and his shemale sidekick to place their satanic spawn within your four walls?" reads the posting for today's protest at Sidwell Friends, which is a Quaker school.
Text from Talking Points Memo, via The Pajama Pundit. Here are excerpts from some of the comments at TPM:
"The way Westboro funds itself is to be as noxious as possible and then sue cities and states for violating their right to free speech when people just can't take their nasty rhetoric any longer. The WANT to be shut down so they can sue. That's why some of them go to law school."

"I kind of think that they are a church in-name-only. They seem to focus on politicking continuously, not worshiping anything substantial except spreading slander."

"They have no life and no chances of finding anything to do but picket. They were disfellowshipped from the Southern Baptist Church long, long ago. They live to stir things up. The church is primarily made up of a single family and many of them have legal degrees."

"Westboro is not fringe. Its views are quite mainstream within the Evangelical community, in fact. They just have the "courage" to say out loud what is said every Sunday in Church."

"They unwittingly and fearlessly do good liberal work. I wonder whether they're really a radical gay performance art troupe. they probably wind up liberalizing people more than a lot of liberals do!"

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