الخميس، 21 يناير 2010

"Just F**king Google It"

Last year when I posted a list of list of the types of commenters that bloggers encounter, I listed a "Please feed me with a spoon, mommy" category, and offered one of the few rants you'll find on this blog:
From high school to college to graduate school, a recurrent theme from instructors and professors is “I’m not going to spoon-feed you.” What they are saying is “look it up yourself” or “figure it out – you’ll remember it better that way.”

If I post something about butterfly farming and mention a chrysalis, someone may write in the comments “What’s a chrysalis? Is it like a cocoon?” Google/Wiki, for crying out loud. You’re sitting in front of the most powerful information-retrieval system in the history of mankind. The Library of Alexandria pales in comparison to the resources of the web, and you want me to spoon-feed you info you could find by typing eight letters and hitting “Return.” Get with the program.
Last week I encountered the "Just f**king Google it" link.  Apparently it's been available for a long time. but I hadn't run into it before.   The link will be of interest only to other bloggers; insert it when responding to a particularly inappropriate query in a comment thread.  The link will offer a mild reprimand to the target audience, then automatically redirect to Google; the only deficiency is that the pre-redirect screen only lasts 15 seconds, which is probably not enought time for those who need it to read it.

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