الأحد، 4 أبريل 2010

Recent posts at Neatorama

Boston.com's The Big Picture has a collection of 30 pix of recent world-record items (many of them food related).

A zebra in a Zurich zoo was photographed cleaning the teeth of a hippopotamus. 

Feed, seed, and grain sacks are not merely collectible items, but are now being adapted as stylish decorative additions to the home. 

Ever been to a concert and heard "newbies" applaud at the "wrong" moment (at the end of a symphonic movement or a solo performance).  One music critic says "that's o.k."

The world's hottest chili is being weaponized to fight terrorists.  In other news, an Indian woman just ate 51 of them in two minutes.

A clever and effective television advertisement has been created by a Belgian group.  It only takes 30 seconds to watch; it's impressively well done.  If you like it, click the sublink.

MIT researchers have studied how clams burrow into the sand and are adapting the technique for a new generation of boat anchors.

Participants in a childhood vampire-hunting episode 50 years ago now say their behavior was NOT caused by reading comic books.

A German teenager buys a venomous cobra for a pet.  It escapes.  German authorities do not mess around.  Neighbors are not amused.

Very VERY expensive t-shirt.  Very VERY ugly.

A rather rudely-designed Popeye squirt gun.

A four-minute video of scenes excised from movies of the 1930s because the depictions were deemed to be hazardous to the public morality.  Your decision whether to view it or not...

"The Man Who Planted Trees" is an old (read: timeless) award-winning animation which I first saw decades ago.  I was delighted to find it (in three parts) on YouTube.

Still another video, this one of the hooded pitohui - the first bird ever documented to be poisonous.

Letting Go of My Father is an excellent essay by Jonathan Rauch in the current issue of The Atlantic, about the difficulties encountered while trying to assist with the care of a progressively incompetent and dependent parent.

The photos are unrelated miscellaneous images found without links to the primary source; I'll add credits if/when I can find such.

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