الأحد، 30 مايو 2010

Russia has truly adopted American-style "democracy"

The release of this video shocked many people...
The footage, shot last week in Russia's Duma, the 450-member lower house of parliament, showed three MPs frantically running from empty seat to seat in order to vote for fellow deputies who were playing truant after lunch...

"Usually, voting in parliament takes place at the end of a session when the cameras have left and the journalists are not in the chamber." This time was different though and a cameraman from Russian TV channel Ren TV caught the farce on camera in a video which went viral on the internet.

One unidentified MP was caught voting nine times. Critics said the abysmal turnout technically made the vote illegal since the rules of parliament itself stipulated that a majority of MPs needed to be present for its activities to be legitimate.
I wasn't surprised, because I remembered a similar video I posted last April...

That's the Texas legislature doing the same thing.

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