الجمعة، 5 نوفمبر 2010

"And Then There Were None"

The 1945 film, directed by Rene Clair, is one of several adaptations of Agatha Christie's novel.  I plan to watch this when I get some free time, but I'm sure it can't be as good as the book itself, so I'd suggest this only be watched by those who have already read and enjoyed the book.  (Addendum:  several readers suggest that the movie is as good as the book, or better.)

Update November 5:  I found this comment at the Classic Films Reddit:
"This movie, as all existent versions of "Ten Little Indians," is based not on the novel by Agatha Christie but on her very similar play. While the identity of the murderer is the same in both versions, the outcome of who survives the murderer's plot is very different."

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