الجمعة، 2 مارس 2012

Promise to the Corrections Corporation of America

From an article in the Cap Times:
In mid-January the corporation, which once handled some 5,000 overflow inmates that Wisconsin shipped out of state, sent out a letter to corrections officials in 48 states offering to buy and operate their prisons. The offer comes on the heels of a deal in Ohio where the state used $72.7 million in proceeds from the sale of one of its prisons to CCA to patch a budget hole.

To uphold its part of the deal, Ohio has promised to keep the prison at 90 percent capacity for the duration of the 20-year contract...

Corrections Corporation of America and other private prison companies -- like GEO Group, formerly Wackenhut -- saw explosive growth in the 1990s as the war on drugs and new tough sentencing laws confronted the nation with an exploding prison population. But the prison population in recent years has leveled out, and is expected to drop in some states...

An investigative report by National Public Radio says, "According to Corrections Corporation of America reports reviewed by NPR, executives believe immigrant detention is their next big market... 
I understand the theoretical advantages of privatizing the prison system, but what I find disturbing is the sentence (if it's true) that a state has promised to keep a prison at 90% capacity.  It seems to me that a decision like that by the executive branch of government puts pressure on the judicial arms of government to either arrest more people or incarcerate more arrestees, in order to maintain a quota. 


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