الخميس، 26 أبريل 2012

This appears to be a disturbing photo...

... but not in context:
Tyler Fishlock was a typical energetic healthy 2 year old, when he started repeatedly bumping into furniture around his parents new home . Within a month Tyler had been diagnosed with retinoblastoma, a rare form of cancer that attaches itself to retina. Tyler's retina was covered in hundreds of tiny tumors. After extensive chemotherapy and radiation therapy, the doctors were left with no choice but to remove Tyler's left eye. Then the unthinkable happened. The cancer had spread to Tyler’s right eye. Despite all attempts to save it, Tyler had his eye removed on Wednesday the 8th of February 2006. He was just three years old.

Tyler’s final surgery was followed closely in the Victorian media. The image of his beaming face partially covered in bandages taken hours after surgery became a symbol of inspiration and strength for many people.

This series picks up where the media left off. Completely blind, Tyler wears prostethic blue eyes ( he requested the colour of his favourite character Thomas the tank engine.) Tyler's blindness has never once inhibited his cheeky, playfull and energetic nature...
Photo credit Morganna Magee, via Ilovethatphoto.

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