الأربعاء، 23 مايو 2012

Bike Basket Free Tutorial by Christie Hurst of A Lemon Squeezy Home

Looking for a cute way to decorate a bike basket? If you are then check out Christie Hurst's Bike Basket Tutorial. Enjoy.

Copyright © 2012 - All Rights Reserved - Christie Hurst of A Lemon Squeezy Home 

Here's what Christie had to say about her tutorial:  This was post I wrote for Kate’s Ruffle Series a few weeks ago.  I know I’ve done a couple variations of bike baskets (check the tutorial archives), but I’m kind of in love with bike baskets.  I love how they are so convenient and practical, but can be totally cute at the same time.  But having recently stopped by Walmart and seeing the price tags of bike baskets, you could easily make your own for much cheaper!  This time I wanted to keep it really simple—a project that can easily be done in an hour or less.  And since ruffles are such a beautiful compliment to so many items, I thought a ruffle would be perfect to liven up this bike basket.

Please respect Christie's TERMS OF USE: Unless stated otherwise, you may use any of the items or tutorials I post for personal use. If you are wanting to sell items made from my tutorials, please ask me for permission!

If you make and post anything that I came up with, please post a link to my blog. If you sell any items on my website that was my idea, then you must post a link giving me credit (after asking permission to sell first).

Just give credit where it is due! Happy crafting!

Copyright © 2012- All Rights Reserved - Christie Hurst of Lemon Squeezy Shop at http://www.etsy.com/shop/lemonsqueezyshop. Please visit her A Lemon Squeezy Home blog at http://alemonsqueezyhome.blogspot.com/

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