الأربعاء، 6 مارس 2013

"Schandflöte" ("flute of shame")

The "flute of shame" was a medieval torture/humiliation device resembling a flute or clarinet.  Although often described as a punishment for bad musicianship, a quick internet search suggests that it was deployed for a broader range of perceived offenses.

Most of the recent sources cite one another; the older sources are in German.

Posted today for the amusement of my cousin Karl, who is the saxophonist with the funk and soul band "Rootdown" in Barcelona.  If you're in the area and have the opportunity to hear them perform (perhaps at the Harlem Jazz Club), please go and tell them TYWKIWDBI sent you.

Topic via Sloth Unleashed.  Image (of a vintage German postcard) via an eBay listing.

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