الاثنين، 6 مايو 2013

It's only a dead body

The uncle of Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev arrived in Massachusetts on Sunday to arrange for his burial, saying he understands that "no one wants to associate their names with such evil events."..

Funeral director Peter Stefan said he hasn't been able to find a cemetery in Massachusetts willing to take the body. He said he plans to ask the city of Cambridge, where Tsarnaev lived, to provide a burial plot, and if Cambridge turns him down, he will seek help from state officials...

[Cambridge city manager Robert] Healy says it would not be in the best interest of the city to execute a deed for a plot at Cambridge Cemetery... He said the families who have loved ones interred at the cemetery also deserve to have their deceased family members rest in peace. He said other federal agencies should take the lead in the burial...

Tsarni told reporters that he is arranging for Tsarnaev's burial because religion and tradition call for his nephew to be buried. He would like him buried in Massachusetts because he's lived in the state for the last decade, he said. "I'm dealing with logistics. A dead person must be buried," he said.

Stefan said he has received calls from people criticizing him and calling him "un-American" for being willing to handle Tamerlan Tsarnaev's funeral."We take an oath to do this. Can I pick and choose? No. Can I separate the sins from the sinners? No," he said. "We are burying a dead body. That's what we do."

A half dozen protesters gathered outside the funeral home Sunday holding signs and American flags and chanting "USA!" One sign read: "Do not bury him on U.S. soil." Several people drove by the funeral home earlier Sunday and yelled, including one man who shouted, "Throw him off a boat like Osama bin Laden!"
And from the comments at Huffington Post:
This %$^#^ does not deserve to buried on US soil. I'm surprised his family is even trying, if he does end up being buried here, his grave will be desecrated on a regular basis, and I can't say I blame whoever would do it.

Maybe there's a nice dog park in Boston where they can bury him. He gets buried, and the dogs have a headstone to use = WIN-WIN

Cremate him then put his ashes in a garbage truck!

Put him in a packing crate, tell the parents they have 7 days to come and get him or arrange for shipping back to Russia. After 7 days, burn the crate and scatter the ashes over cesspool. I have no idea where this as anyone's problem other than the parents or family.

Put a granade in his mouth and just pull the pin....no burial needed!!! 

So, where were all these comments for Adam Lanza, Wade Michel Page or Timothy McVeigh? I don't recall protests like this or calls to drop them into the ocean. What is the difference? I was a little young, but did we protest Bundy's burial like this? Or Gary Ridgeway's? Or John Wayne Gacy's? What makes Tamerlan so special? 
It's just a dead body.

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