الأربعاء، 6 يناير 2010

I still type two spaces after a period

Typing was a mandatory course at my school, and in the 1960s that meant learning on a typewriter with green caps on the keys.  We were taught to put two spaces after a period.  In this computer era that habit is outmoded, as explained by Grammar Girl:
Most typewriter fonts are what are called monospaced fonts. That means every character takes up the same amount of space. An "i" takes up as much space as an "m," for example. When using a monospaced font, where everything is the same width, it makes sense to type two spaces after a period at the end of a sentence to create a visual break. For that reason, people who learned to type on a typewriter were taught to put two spaces after a period at the end of a sentence. 
But when you're typing on a computer, most fonts are proportional fonts, which means that characters are different widths. An "i" is more narrow than an "m," for example, and putting extra space between sentences doesn't do anything to improve readability.
There is a discussion thread on this subject at Reddit.

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