الأحد، 2 مايو 2010

The full script for The Usual Suspects

There are so many classic scenes in the movie that it's hard to choose just one to embed. I'll opt for this one:
He tells him he would rather see his
family dead than live another day after
SOZE walks over to his wife, crying and beaten on the floor
and holds up her head. She gives him the strangest look. One
of trust perhaps, saturated with fear and humiliation.

He puts the gun between her eyes and fires.

He lets the last Hungarian go, and he
goes running. He waits until his wife and
kids are in the ground and he goes after
the rest of the mob. He kills their kids,
he kills their wives, he kills their
parents and their parents' friends.

A dark and looming figure of a man walks in front of a wall
of fire - a black shadow blurred by waves of heat.

He burns down the houses they live in and
the stores they work in, he kills people
that owe them money. And like that he was
gone. Underground. No one has ever seen
him again. He becomes a myth, a spook
story that criminals tell their kids at
night. If you rat on your pop, Keyser
Sate will get you. And nobody really ever

The full text is here.

Those interested in the film should also read this old post re disagreement as to whether Verbal Kint is or is not Keyser Sose.

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