السبت، 31 يوليو 2010

Sarah Palin trailing badly in New Hampshire poll

Public Policy Polling has surveyed New Hampshire voters, and offers these numbers:
Mitt Romney     31 percent
Newt Gingrich    14 percent
Ron Paul    13 percent
Mike Huckabee   12 percent
Sarah Palin    9 percent
Tim Pawlenty     3 percent
Mitch Daniels    1 percent
Someone else/undecided   16 percent
According to the Salon source, "...no one in the modern era has gone on to claim a major party nomination after finishing worse than second in the New Hampshire primary."

I suppose it must be difficult to factor in various intangibles such as voter enthusiasm and turnout.  I've also read somewhere this week that Democrats may try to secretly encourage her nomination run because they consider her easier to beat in November than a mainstream candidate.

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