الأربعاء، 22 ديسمبر 2010

Sir David Frost interviews Julian Assange

A truly professional interview by a senior journalist.  Several points I found of interest. 

1)  When asked if the U.S. was the "leading target" for WikiLeaks, Assange said not really, that the idea was to target the most closed and corrupt governments, which is not the U.S. - but that in practice as the dominant empire in the world with connections to all other governments it becomes de facto an important source of information.  And as the largest security state in the world (security budget = total budget rest of world combined), it generates lots of secrets, and because it is now conducting two unpopular wars, that generates lots of dissenters who choose to leak secrets.

2)  He notes that WikiLeaks is source-driven and dependent on material submitted to it.  When asked re China he said they are now getting material from China.  None from N. Korea yet, for obvious reasons, but they are getting material about N. Korea.

3)  Beginning at about the 17:30 mark, he comments about the situation in Sweden, especially re Sweden/U.S. government relations and how that may be affecting his prosecution and possible extradition.  WikiLeaks leaked revelations re U.S. and Sweden sharing information, a behavior that may have been contrary to the Swedish constitution.

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