الأحد، 17 أبريل 2011

Congressional Democrats show how serious they are about the Republican budget proposal

They are going to fast, in order to demonstrate their opposition to the budget proposed by the Republicans.  They're going to fast until Easter - that's a full week from now !!

But wait...
Rep. Barbara Lee is helping organize the demonstration and tells The Hill that, “For me personally, fasting reminds me that while I’ll be off the fast in 24 hours, other people stay hungry all the time." Lee adds that she has already gone one day so far without food and will do it again.
She will fast for one day.  Her 27 Democratic colleagues will do the same- taking turns, fasting one at a time for one day each.

And it's not a complete fast.  They have vowed "to maintain a liquid-only diet in hopes of a better budget."

What a phony protest.

Photo via.

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