السبت، 21 مايو 2011

I'm still here

I wasn't taken by the raptor.

To me the saddest part of this whole episode was a report I heard on NPR about two weeks ago.  They interviewed a young couple who were so absolutely convince of what would happen this day that they disposed of all their belongings and calculated carefully so that they would run out of food - and money - on May 21.  If I remember correctly, they had at least one small child.

I can't imagine the despair of those young people waking up this morning to find themselves totally destitute and possibly "left behind."

This on a lighter note a set of FAQ written by a professor to his students-
Q: If my mother/father/grandfather/grandmother/favorite aunt/etc. is chosen, will I be excused from the final so that I may mourn his/her loss?
A: No. They have not died, but been granted eternal life, thus this does not count as a case of a death in the family.
(More of the FAQ)

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