الخميس، 19 مايو 2011

"God Grew Tired of Us" - update

This video is an excerpt from the movie "God Grew Tired of Us," about children who were orphaned, abandoned, or displaced by the second Sudanese civil war.  Listen as these young men speak about the adaptations they need to make to live in this country - not just coping with dietary changes and strange technology, but dealing with Americans' curious social customs.

You can watch the full movie online here.  At the Sundance Film Festival in 2006, the film won both the "Grand Jury Prize: Documentary" and the "Audience Award" in the "Independent Film Competition: Documentary" category.

Via Reddit.

Update:  Posted last month.  I finally got the DVD from the library and watched it last night.  The clip above emphasizes the differences between life in rural Africa and urban America, but the take-home message of the movie is about the unity of humanity and the common desires and goals we all share.  It's a heartwarming movie and well worth viewing.

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