الأحد، 28 أغسطس 2011

Great Global Treasure Hunt, €50,000 prize

This new treasure hunt is similar to the 1979 "Masquerade" fiasco, and requires the purchase or perusal of a newly-published book:
Inside its covers are 14 mind-and-imagination-stretching puzzles, ranging from the fairly easy to the super-fiendish. But these aren’t just any puzzles. Solve all 14, and you’ll find that the answers form the clues to the final puzzle – an exact location on Google Earth – thereby winning yourself a €50,000 (£43,740) cash prize...

The form that solution takes is, in fact, a series of numbers, except that their significance is not mathematical, but geographical. For between them, they express, in ultra-precise latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates, a small point on the globe, measuring no more than 20 sq ft. 
More  at The Telegraph, which offers a "practice" treasure hunt based on the image above, the solving of which can win you a BA trip for two to the destination indicated by the image embedded above.
“Consider the torch, the empty birdcage, the Buddhist statue, the little drawing pinned to the wall. Not to mention the configuration of the curtains and spots on the dominoes, and other symbols and conformations.” 
Larger image here.

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