الأربعاء، 2 نوفمبر 2011

"In God We Trust" reaffirmed by Congress

From Dana Milbank's column in the Washington Post:
“In God We Trust” has been the nation’s official motto for 55 years, engraved on the currency and public buildings. There is no emerging movement to change that. But House Republicans chose to look beyond the absence of immediate threats and instead protect the motto against yet-unimagined threats in the future.

The legislation [“H.Con.Res 13Reaffirming ‘In God We Trust’ as the official motto of the United States”] “provides Congress with the opportunity to renew its support of a principle that was venerated by the founders of this country, and by its presidents, on a bipartisan basis.”...
Milbank chastises the legislators for wasting time on this bill rather than addressing the economny and the national jobs problem.  He focuses on the Republicans, but of note the bill passed by a margin of 396 to 9.  

But I do agree with him on this observation:
Notably, the House majority saw no need to protect the nation’s other motto, the one from the Great Seal of the United States that also appears on currency: e pluribus unum.

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