الاثنين، 21 نوفمبر 2011

Handmade With Love - Gift Ideas For The Holidays - Ideas #46, #47, #48, #49 and #50

If you support handmade and love to give gifts from the heart then you're going to love our "Handmade With Love - Gift Ideas For The Holidays" series of posts.

The handmade ideas are taken from all the wonderful free Christmas articles, e-patterns, tutorials, graphics, stitcheries, craft projects and more that The Best Free Craft Articles blog contributors have to offer.

Here's ideas #46, #47, #48, #49 and #50:

Idea #46 - purse size mini wrap padfolio makes an excellent holiday gift?

Purse Sized Mini Padfolio - Mini Wrapfolio
Copyright © 2008-2009 - All Rights Reserved - Written By SueBleiweiss

Idea #47 - A magnetic wrist pincushion is an excellent gift for a seamstress, crafter, quilter, needleworker - anyone who uses sewing pins.

Magnetic Wrist Pincushion
© 2011 by Romona King of Northbrook Designs

Idea #48 - Who can resist a patchwork quilt stitched with love?

Orphan Blocks Quilt
Copyright © 2008-2010 - All Rights Reserved - Written by Sylvia of Pieces From My Scrapbag

Idea #49 - Who could resist a beautiful ribbon doll design?

Ribbon Doll Tutorial

Copyright © 2009- All Rights Reserved - Written By Maureen Greeson of Maureen's Vintage Acquisitions.

Idea #50 - A granny square throw makes a wonderful gift and family heirloom.

Granny Square Throw

Copyright © 2009 - All Rights Reserved - Written by Carina Envoldsen-Harris of Carina's Craftblog blog.

Please respect each artist or crafters Terms Of Use for their free article.

I hope you are inspired to create handmade gifts of your own for the holidays.

Stay tuned for Ideas  #51, #52, #53, #54 and #55.

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