السبت، 5 مايو 2012

"Housekeeping" re comments on this blog

One of the strengths of this blog is the quality of readers' comments, and I have always encouraged those who don't have Google/LiveJournal/WordPress/TypePad etc accounts to sign their comments using the Name/URL option rather than just clicking "anonymous." Doing so helps establish an "identity" while still being anonymous, and allows more accurate dialogue on longer comment threads.

Every now and then I receive a comment or an email message from readers having difficulty writing comments.  If someone comments on a post that's more than 28 days old, the blog host automatically flags that comment as possible spam and sequesters it unpublished until I review the contents (which might be several days later).  So that may introduce a delay.

Another not uncommon glitch occurs when a reader uses a very outdated browser; this seems to be uncommon.

But every now and again I hear from a sophisticated reader with up-to-date computer and browser version who have difficulty getting comments posted.  There is at least one suggestion that this difficulty is happening on other Google/Blogspot/Blogger-hosted blogs, and that it has happens more frequently when the "threaded" (indented) comment structure is employed.  I just instituted this feature last month and have really liked it as an author, and I think it has been well accepted by readers, but features sometimes do have glitches.

If you are having problems writing comments on this blog, you obviously won't be able to comment on this post (!), so in that case send me an email at the blog's emailbox - retag4726(at)mypacks(dot)net, and let me know.  It doesn't mean I can fix it, but I'd like to know (and I'll share the info here with others). 

Similarly, if you have a blog of your own, and have encountered such problems with commenting and have solved the problem, please write a comment here with your suggestions.


Addendum:  While preparing this post, I realized once again how totally annoying the "captcha" verification process can be.  I've temporarily disabled this feature; if lots of automated spam starts showing up, I'll reinstitute it, but I think leaving it off will make the commenting a little more user-friendly.

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