الأحد، 6 مايو 2012

Roger Ebert re the "best damn film list"

Ebert agrees with me that most lists of "best films" are worthless either because of subjectivity or because they are created for publicity reasons.  But he offers one exception:
Every 10 years, the ancient and venerable British film magazine, Sight & Sound, polls the world's directors, movie critics, and assorted producers, cinematheque operators and festival directors, etc., to determine the Greatest Films of All Time...

The most recent time I voted, in 2002, this was my list (alphabetically):
Aguirre, Wrath of God (Herzog)
Apocalypse Now (Coppola)
Citizen Kane (Welles)
Dekalog (Kieslowski)
La dolce vita (Fellini)
The General (Keaton)
Raging Bull (Scorsese)
2001: A Space Odyssey (Kubrick)
Tokyo Story (Ozu)
Vertigo (Hitchcock)

In 2002, the critics as a group voted for:
1. Citizen Kane (Welles)
2. Vertigo (Hitchcock)
3. La Règle du jeu (Renoir)
4. The Godfather and The Godfather part II (Coppola)
5. Tokyo Story (Ozu)
6. 2001: A Space Odyssey (Kubrick)
7. Battleship Potemkin (Eisenstein)
7. Sunrise (Murnau)
9. (Fellini)
9. Singin' In the Rain (Kelly, Donen)

In the same year, the directors as a group voted for:
1. Citizen Kane (Welles)
2. The Godfather and The Godfather part II
3. (Fellini)
4. Lawrence of Arabia (Lean)
5. Dr. Strangelove (Kubrick)
6. Bicycle Thieves (De Sica)
6. Raging Bull (Scorsese)
6. Vertigo (Hitchcock)
9. Rashomon (Kurosawa)
9. La Règle du jeu (Renoir)
9. Seven Samurai (Kurosawa)

Now it is time for me to commence this ten-yearly ritual, and decide on my list for 2012... Looking over great new movies from the past decade, I come up with some contenders:

Chop Shop
No Country for Old Men
Pan's Labyrinth
A Separation
Silent Light
Synecdoche, New York

Other films come to mind...
Man Who Shot Liberty Valence
The Music Room
Rules of the Game
The Third Man
The Ebert essay has hundreds of comments.  For my own purposes, I've boldfaced the ones I've seen.  I plan to browse some of those others in the year to come.  I'm open to recommendations (positive or negative) re the non-boldfaced ones.

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