الجمعة، 13 يوليو 2012

Antlia, Ara, Carina, Columba, Dorado, Fornax...

Who, what, or where are these words?

... Grus, Lacerta, Mensa, Norma, Pavo, Pictor, Reticulum, Sculptor, Triangulum, Vela...

(answer beneath the fold)

Those are the names of some of the 88 constellations used in modern astronomy.

And those who are picky about word choices should note that "constellations properly speaking are not patterns of stars, as in the common use of the word, but areas of the sky (the celestial sphere).

One other tywk-type fact:
Various other unofficial patterns have existed alongside the constellations. These are known as "asterisms." Examples include the Big Dipper and the Northern Cross. 
(with a hat tip to reader WDitot for correcting some spelling errors in this post.  Tx.)

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