الثلاثاء، 8 يناير 2013

A "catalog" of bookstore cats

The staff at AbeBooks invited their booksellers to submit photos and biographies of the cats that live in their stores.  Nietzsche lives at The Book Man in Chilliwack, BC.  There are nine more at the link (and thousands more around the world).
Nietzsche is the very definition of a bookstore cat. Mellow and affectionate, he loves sleeping in sunbeams in the front window, greeting people at the front door and falling asleep smack dab in the middle of the front counter. He is as soft as silk in a lovely pale apricot color and has been gifted with a sizable fluffy tail that makes him particularly handsome. Nietzsche has a generous purr and has an inexplicable love affair with baby carriages (we′ve removed him from several over the years). He also has a knack for knowing who is ignoring him, and will follow those customers around the store, sometimes even going so far as to sit on the books that they′re browsing. He was adopted from our local cat shelter in 2008 at the age of six after their whole staff recommended him for the very social position of bookstore cat. 
Via The Paris Review.

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