الأربعاء، 13 فبراير 2013

How some tigers die

The Premier of China, Wen Jiabao has publicly stated that he is committed to saving the wild tiger.  However, his government is allowing trade in tiger skins from tiger farms and skins taken before poaching was outlawed. This trade is acting as a smokescreen for skins taken by killing wild tigers. If China does not stop this trade, the wild tiger is doomed. 
Image and text from the TigerTime website, where you can sign a petition "I appeal to Premier Wen Jiabao to send a clear message to his government, calling for an end to all tiger trade within China. This is to include a call for a zero tolerance policy applied to all trade of all parts and derivatives of tiger and other protected Asian big cats, from all sources."

The reason for doing this is explained in the imgur image below... 

... and discussed in this Reddit thread.  If you don't want to sign the petition, at least don't buy or drink the wine.

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