الاثنين، 18 فبراير 2013

Mothering Sunday Make - The Garden Tidy Tote Tutorial and Bag and Baggage - The Oil Cloth Tutorial By Ros Coffey of RosMadeMe Blog

I can never have enough totes and use them for just about everything - even gardening. So, I was happy to see that Ros Coffey had two tutorials on her RosMadeMe Blog blog showing you how to make a delightful garden tote and a really useful oil cloth tote. Two terrific ideas.

Mothering Sunday Make - The Garden Tidy Tote Tutorial

Copyright © 2012 - All Rights Reserved - Written by Ros Coffey of RosMadeMe Blog.

Here's what Ros had to say about her tutorial:  I know that this may be freaking out my readers in the Americas but here in the UK, Mothering Sunday is next week, the third Sunday in Lent so I thought it might be nice to make something that does not confine your mum to the kitchen. My mother had very green thumbs and loved to be out in the garden and when I moved to my house it was my mum who cleared the borders and collected copious bags of snails to boot!

So I thought a great gift would be a gardening tidy tote to carry round all those bits and pieces that you need to be with you when you are wrestling with mother nature.

Bag and Baggage - The Oil Cloth Tutorial

Copyright © 2012 - All Rights Reserved - Written by Ros Coffey of RosMadeMe Blog.

Here's what Ros had to say about her tutorial:  This week we are going to make a boot bag or shopping tote from oil cloth, it uses many of the techniques we used last week in the garden tote. This bag will be great for all those April showers next month, for carrying your boot in a chic bag to Festivals, for holding the kids' sopping wet swimming costumes and for feeling as though you are saving the planet at the supermarket. So let's get this on the table (no pun intended) oil cloth hates you, it is personal and it will fight you every step of the way but we are going to tame it and win!

Ros's Bio:I live by the sea, in Essex, in Leigh-on-sea. I have been making things since I was a child, earliest memories were embroidering squares of binca matting, making felt egg cups and ripping back my knitting when my sister had picked up a dropped stitch... yep, it really did have to be all my own work! I am a dreadful hoarder, with stashes of wool and fabric hidden around my house, together with the projects that I have not yet finished. I am currently making cushions, quilted, appliqued, stencilled... actually just anything that I will enjoy crafting.

Copyright © 2010 - 2012 - All Rights Reserved - Ros Coffey of RosMadeMe Blog .

Please visit her RosMadeMe blog at http://rosmademe.blogspot.com .

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