الأحد، 8 سبتمبر 2013

A response to the crisis in Syria


Addendum:  In response to a comment that was written and later deleted, I should clarify that I posted this item not to minimize or make fun of the suffering of the people of Syria, but as a reflection of a prevailing (and increasing) attitude of Americans toward their elected "leadership."  The people of the country have been lied to - repeatedly and almost systematically - by a long series of Presidents and Congresses on countless matters relating to foreign policy.  Invariably the lies and deceptions have led to increased military aggressiveness abroad and an insane funding of the military-industrial complex to a degree that has depleted the resources of this country for domestic purposes and resulted in a deterioration of our infrastructure and degradation of our environment.  This has to stop.  I hope a similar sentiment is what motivated the staff at The Onion.

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