الثلاثاء، 17 سبتمبر 2013

The "Dancing Bus Stop Lady" will have an opportunity to go on stage

She became Hampshire’s online dancing sensation after a video of her bus stop boogie went viral. Now Ellie Cole is swapping the bus stop for the stage, treading the boards in a professional production.

The 35-year-old, from Southampton has been invited to take part in the performance of the play Ah Men at The Point Theatre in Eastleigh this weekend after the writer saw her video...

Ellie studied performing arts for a year at Eastleigh College, but had to drop out after she lost her job and could not afford it.

She said this was a chance to fulfil her stage ambitions. “It’s very flattering and humbling,” said Ellie, who attended rehearsals in London last week...

Alongside her role in the actual show tomorrow, Ellie will also be performing with other cast members in an extract from the show being put on at the Leigh Road Recreation Ground as the finale to the Eastleigh Mardi Gras procession today. The plan is to get people up and dancing afterwards to Dancing Queen, in tribute to the backing track on her memorable video.

Ellie said: “I’m just a normal everyday person who happened to like dancing at bus stops.  Still to this day I find it hard to believe this has all happened. It’s like ‘wow, why me?’.”
Story from The Daily Echo, via Nothing to do with Arbroath.

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