الجمعة، 8 نوفمبر 2013

Weather conditions at your location and 4 day forecast, using Google map

This application displays the weather conditions in area of where your website visitor is situated. The geographical coordinates are taken from the website browser of your visitor.

To see the forecast from another location, you can enter the name of the city by hand, and then click "Go to location".

If you want to safely include this widget in your website, just copy this code (you can modify the width and height of the iframe tag according to your needs):

If you have a business in tourism and want to display on your website the forecast in your geographical area, you can enter in the iframe's src field an URL of this kind "http://www.wikitools.ro/indexmute.php?action=wl&cod=1&lat=__YOU_LATITUDE_COORD__&long=__YOUR_LONGITUDE_COORD__"

Here is an example


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