الأربعاء، 20 نوفمبر 2013

Here's why the Obamacare website sucks

An article at TechDirt offers what seems to me the best explanation:
While any massively large-scale internet launch is likely to suffer some problems, the level of disaster on this particular project has been quite impressive...

The Sunlight Foundation figured out the list of contractors who worked on the site, and noted that the big ones not only are well-known DC power-player insiders, but they're also big on the lobbying and political contributions side of things. You've got companies like... Booz Allen Hamilton, famous for promoting cyberwar hype and employing Ed Snowden. There's defense contracting giant Northrup Grumman...

As you look down the list put together by the Sunlight Foundation, it's all companies like this: giant monstrosities which are simply tied in closely with the government. All the large consulting firms are listed: Accenture, Deloitte, PricewaterhouseCoopers, McKinsey. What's missing? Basically any company with even the slightest smidgen of experience building and maintaining large-scale, public-facing web-based apps. The list has no "internet native" companies.  
Incisive commentary from a variety of web-knowledgeable people in the Reddit discussion thread.

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