الثلاثاء، 22 سبتمبر 2009

Adding another ball to the juggling routine

It was one year ago today that I wrote a post describing Neatorama as a "highly recommended blog." Then in January of this year I reported that Neatorama had a new feature called the Upcoming Queue where anyone could post interesting material for possible inclusion in their blog. During the summer I began writing a number of items for the Queue that were subsequently published in the blog.

You can imagine my surprise (and delight) when an email arrived this past week inviting me to join Neatorama as an author. I pondered the pros and cons for at least several milliseconds before agreeing to accept the position - joining the eight other authors who generate the amazing material at the site.

I mention this now because there will of necessity be some secondary impacts upon TYWKIWDBI. When I was submitting material via their Upcoming Queue, I typically also blogged the item here, but now as a Neatorama author I can't in good conscience justify double-posting, so from now on I'll just post links here to direct those interested to the relevant material. The items I've posted so far this week include how to create Chinese marbled eggs, how aliens replied to the Arecibo message using crop circles, and some outrageously outre hairstyles.

Not posting such items at TYWKIWDBI will not be a problem, because there is such a huge world of material available for accumulator blogs like this one. The larger and more practical problem is the time commitment required. I can't add more hours to my blogging day (and night) without seriously infringing on other activities, so I will undoubtedly have to spend a little less time here as I work on the somewhat more polished material for Neatorama.

We'll see how it works out. I view life as a continuing adventure, and I do like to explore new areas. I'm confident that the quality of TYWKIWDBI won't be noticeably compromised.

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