الأربعاء، 30 سبتمبر 2009

Slovenia: 90% tax on executive bonuses

LJUBLJANA, Sept 23 (Reuters) - Slovenia's Parliament on Wednesday voted to raise the tax rate on top wages to 90 percent in firms that receive state aid or state guarantees, imposing one of the highest tax rates in the world...

It will apply to managers' wages that exceed 12,500 euros ($18,470) per month* and to bonuses that exceed 25,000 euros per year. The new rate gained support by all parliamentary groups and was imposed by a vast majority of votes...

'The new tax will have a small influence on the budget as it only applies to a limited number of companies but it still sends an important signal to people in such strained times,' Borut Hocevar, an editor at daily Zurnal24, told Reuters...
*The average monthly net wage in the country amounted to 922 euros in July.

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