الثلاثاء، 22 سبتمبر 2009

How to cope with Klaus Kinski

Werner Herzog relates the following anecdote in Conquest of the Useless; Reflections from the Making of Fitzcarraldo, the transcription of his notebooks from the years spent at the head of the Amazon river trying to film the movie while simultaneously coping with Amazonian tribesmen and Klaus Kinski (a notoriously volatile actor) -
"When Kinski had his next outburst, the Ashininka-Campa chief and the chief of the Shivankoreni Machiguengas cautiously drew me aside and asked very calmly whether they should kill him for me. To be sure I had heard right, I said, Kill? Whom? They pointed at Kinski, and the way they spoke left no doubt that they were prepared to do the deed in the next sixty seconds. Kinski noticed that something was amiss, and quickly switched from raving mad to deathly ill..."
More re the book after I finish reading it.

Photo credit [Herzog left, Kinski right on a different occasion] to laura9, via Uncertain Times.

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