السبت، 8 مايو 2010

"Failing Memories"

I like this painting.  It's by an English painter, Charles Spencelayh (1865-1958)
Many of his subjects were of domestic scenes, painted with an almost photographic detail... Spencelayh was a favourite of Queen Mary, who was an avid collector of his work. In 1924 he painted a miniature of King George V for Queen Mary’s dolls house.
Found at a very interesting blog entitled Victorian/Edwardian Paintings:
Please note over 70,000 painters of this period, many very obscure, have been identified and this blog concentrates on those that have come up for auction in the last ten years or so. It is mainly compiled using old auction catalogues with help from the many reference books I own.
Via Sloth Unleashed.

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