الخميس، 15 يوليو 2010

If you enjoy taking quizzes...

... I invite you to have a go at the offerings at The Telegraph.  Their Ultimate Summer Holiday Quiz features eight categories:

1) Art and Literature Quiz
2) History and Politics Quiz
3) Entertainment Quiz
4) Science and Nature Quiz
5) Sport and Leisure Quiz
6) Geography and Travel Quiz
7) Children's Quiz
8) Toughies Quiz

To give you something to shoot at, TYWKIWDBI scored

42/60 on the Science and Nature (Saturday) quiz,
35/60 on the Art/Literature (Saturday) quiz,
26/60 on the Geography/Travel (Saturday) quiz,

and then totally bombed out on the "Toughies," scoring only one correct answer in the categories of Art and Literature, History and Politics, Entertainment, Sport and Leisure, and three correct in Science and Nature and in Geography and Travel.  You can surely do better.

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