الخميس، 19 أغسطس 2010

Yet another TSA horror story

At what point does an airport search step over the line?

How about when they start going through your checks, and the police call your husband, suspicious you were clearing out the bank account?

That's the complaint leveled by Kathy Parker, a 43-year-old Elkton, Md., woman, who was flying out of Philadelphia International Airport on Aug. 8...

That same screener started emptying her wallet. "He was taking out the receipts and looking at them," she said...

In a side pocket she had tucked a deposit slip and seven checks made out to her and her husband, worth about $8,000...

She protested when the officer started to walk away with the checks. "That's my money," she remembers saying. The officer's reply? "It's not your money."

When she got home, her husband of 20 years, John Parker, a self-employed plastics broker, said the police had called and told him that they'd suspected "a divorce situation" and that Kathy Parker was trying to empty their bank account. He set them straight.

"I was so humiliated," she said...
Further details in Daniel Rubin's column at the Philadelphia Inquirer.  The TSA apparently does not deny any of the details; they claim they were justified in their actions because she looked nervous.

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