الأحد، 22 أغسطس 2010

"A Scottish Vigil"

Charles Sillem Lidderdale - A Scottish Vigil
This is a later version of his Royal Academy exhibit of 1869... entitled In Hiding after Culloden. The Royal Academy picture features solely the worn out soldier and the girl secretly bringing him food. The critic for the Art Journal considered the 1869 version to be 'the artist's best work' (1869; p. 202). This success would have no doubt prompted him to attempt another version the following year. The composition of the later work varies slightly as the girl peers at the sleeping soldier over the shoulder of her father who appears in deep concentration, probably considering the dilemma this deserter or refugee has presented and contemplating the outcome of this infamous battle.
More information at Victorian/Edwardian Paintings, a blog with an impressive assemblage of art work.

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