الاثنين، 20 سبتمبر 2010

The far-right wins parliamentary seats in Sweden

The Sweden Democrats (SD), which has described growth of the country's Muslim minority as the biggest foreign threat since the Second World War, won 20 seats in Sunday's parliamentary elections, leaving the two main blocs without a majority...

Many Swedes expressed disappointment that the Sweden Democrats won seats in the legislature. More than 6,000 protesters gathered in central Stockholm on Monday. Thousands of others, dressed in black clothes as an expression of mourning, marched in silence in Gothenburg...

The party says immigration is draining the welfare system and wants to cut asylum and immigration by relatives of people already living in Sweden by 90 per cent.

Immigrants make up 14 per cent of the country's population of 9.4 million. The largest groups of non-European immigrants in the last decade have been Iraqis and Somalis...
Further details, and a brief news-summary video at the Al Jazeera link.

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