الأربعاء، 29 سبتمبر 2010

The Lord's Prayer recited in Old English

This is described as "West Saxon literary dialect of Old English (also called Anglo-Saxon)."  Thankfully with subtitles (which you'll probably need fullscreen to read).  It's interesting how some words are virtually unchanged since the 11th century - but I doubt I could get by were I suddenly to become a Minnesota Yankee in King Arthur's Court.

Re the absence of "For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen",  I found this at Wikipedia:
The doxology of the prayer is not contained in Luke's version, nor is it present in the earliest manuscripts of Matthew, representative of the Alexandrian text, but is present in the manuscripts representative of the Byzantine text...
You learn something every day.

Filmed visuals from Arthur's Seat in Edinburgh.

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