الأربعاء، 15 ديسمبر 2010

Letting everyone do great things with App Inventor

In July, we announced App Inventor for Android, a Google Labs experiment that makes it easier for people to access the capabilities of their Android phone and create apps for their personal use. We were delighted (and honestly a bit overwhelmed!) by the interest that our announcement generated. We were even more delighted to hear the stories of what you were doing with App Inventor. All sorts of people (teachers and students, parents and kids, programming hobbyists and programming newbies) were building Android apps that perfectly fit their needs.

For example, we’ve heard of people building vocabulary apps for their children, SMS broadcasting apps for their community events, apps that track their favorite public transportation routes and—our favorite—a marriage proposal app.

We are so impressed with the great things people have done with App Inventor, we want to allow more people the opportunity to do great things. So we’re excited to announce that App Inventor (beta) is now available in Labs to anyone with a Google account.

Visit the App Inventor home page to get set up and start building your first app. And be sure to share your App Inventor story on the App Inventor user forum. Maybe this holiday season you can make a new kind of homemade gift—an app perfectly designed for the recipient’s needs!

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