الأربعاء، 1 ديسمبر 2010

Why the clown visited Molly

From a heartbreaking story reported by CBS News:
When older brother Jeff was 6, Molly disappeared. For a while Jeff asked constantly: "Where's Molly?" He stopped asking after being told repeatedly by his mother he had to forget his baby sister...

Jeff Daly reunited with the sister he last saw when she was just shy of her third birthday... Molly couldn't tell Jeff and Cindy about those missing 47 years, they set about filling in the details, which brought them to the institution where Molly was sent back in 1957: the Oregon Fairview Home.

Fairview, founded in 1907, was originally named the "Oregon State Institution for the Feeble-Minded." And it was hardly alone. By 1962, there were 123 state institutions around the country... "The doctors told my parents, 'It's okay. Let Molly go to Salem. She'll be in an institution. She'll be better off there.'"

...at first, Molly's father visited often, until Fairview's staff advised him to stop, because Molly would become inconsolable after he left.

But Jack Daly found an ingenious way to continue seeing his daughter... "He did go back," said Jeff. "It was only a way that I suppose my dad could have figured out. He went back as a clown."
The rest of the story is at CBS News (along with a link to the video), via BoingBoing.

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