الخميس، 13 يناير 2011

JFK Library to put all records online

The presidential library commemorating the life of US President John F Kennedy is digitising every scrap of paper, video, audio and artefact it possesses...

Materials already digitised include secret phone conversations about the Cuban missile crisis.  There are also recordings of meetings discussing Vietnam, civil rights and the space race, school report cards and letters from JFK to his mother.

"We are scanning every single piece of paper, movie and audio tape we have in our possession," Tom Putnam, JFK library director told BBC News.

"Unlike other libraries there is no archivist making a decision about what they think you would like to see," he said. "We are showing everything we have."

The library's total archive encompasses 48 million pages, 7,000 hours of audio recordings, 16,000 museum artefacts and 400,000 photographs...

"He gave a speech that said the greatest enemy of truth is often not the lie but the myth," said Mr Putnam. "By having access to this material we hope to give people a much fuller sense of him as a person."
Everything. Wow. "Every single piece of paper..." "No archivist making a decision..." Everything.

Oops. Did I say everything?...
Mr Putnam said missing from the library were materials documenting JFK's dalliances with actress Marilyn Monroe. Also left out are materials on his assassination...
Never mind.

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