الاثنين، 21 فبراير 2011

Anglicisms invading the German language

Ach, du lieber!  The Guardian reports that "leaken" has been voted this year's Anglicism of the Year in Germany:
Germans already "chillen" in their downtime, "surfen" the internet and, when they leave a nightclub, they may go on to "eine Afterparty".

But the latest English word to creep into the deutsche Sprache is the verb "leaken", which has just been voted Anglicism of the Year in Germany.

Proving the international influence of WikiLeaks, Germans have quickly shunned their old way of describing information being secretly passed on to others and adapted the English verb "to leak". So they talk of the "geleakte Dokumente" released by the controversial site as an alternative to the somewhat unwieldy "durchgesickerte Unterlagen" of yore...

Coming in second place to "leaken" was "entfreunden", a literal translation of the brutal term "to unfriend", which has become common parlance on social networking sites...

Further shortlisted words included "shitstorm" and "scripted reality".

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