الاثنين، 24 ديسمبر 2012

I need help with some quiz questions

The questions for the King William's College general knowledge paper (the "Christmas Quiz") have now been posted online at The Guardian.  Groups have been established to solve the questions, as for example is done each year at Metafilter.  There is one set of questions that puzzles me, and three other questions for which I don't know the answers.

To shield this post from the prying eyes of Google and thus the searches of other puzzle solvers, I have inserted the letter "x" into the crucial words and phrases. 

5.2    Who [with a name ending in -by] "wrote of guinxea pigs and mxoles?

10.2    Where [presumably in New England] "did the hirxsute hunxter board the txrain?"
10.10  Where [presumably in New England] "did two Sxtarks idxle down?"

This next group presumably - but not with certainty - refers to alcohxol or perxfumes, since the word "House" is capitalized: "Which spiritxed conxcoction of which House..."

17.4    "recalls a Piedmonxtese founxdation?"
17.5    "might have been named Jollxy Rogxer?"
17.6    "shares its name with a Bretxon muxsic fesxtival?"
17.8    "might be derived from Taxro rooxt?"
17.9    "suggests a rapxtor's grasxp?"

I believe any answers that you might offer in the Comments will not be accessible to a Google search, and would not need to be disguised or encoded.  And I will delete the post altogether in a couple days.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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