الثلاثاء، 25 ديسمبر 2012

"Dear Santa" letters (from 1905)

Selections from a collection of century-old letters to Santa, posted by Ben Welter for the StarTribune's Yesterday's News column:
“Dear Santa Claus – This Christmas you cannot come through the chimly because it is to narrow and you will skrach your cheeks so we will be all up waiting for you, so please bring me a pair of skates, a bag of nuts and candy and good magic lanterns. So I think this will be all. Yours truly, Charles Wojtaszek, Ninth avenue main street northeast, number 507.”
“Dear Santa Claws: Will you please bring me an auto express wagon, ball, animal book and a suit of clothes. Please don’t forget me. I am five years old. My name is Toney and I live across the street from Shol’s grocery store.”
“dear Santa Claws please bring alice and pearl Katzenberg a bureau and a plane set of dishes and a red doll cloak and a white dress and a rocking chair and a picture book. This will be all your friend alice, 602 17th ave north.”
“Dear Santa Claus – Please bring me a new white fir for my neck and a little white muff. Also a little stove and bureau for dolly. Sincerely yours, Virginia L. Layman, 718 11th ave., S.E.”
“Dear santa Claus – I want a pair of skates and I want a pair of leggings also I can have some fun I am 8 years old and of course I want some candy and I want one or two story book and that will be all I want, and my sister Helen wants a dollie buggie and she wants a pair of shoes and a little table and a little rocking chair dollbed and that will be all and please call at 822 main street north east. John Leroy.”
More at the link.

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