الجمعة، 14 ديسمبر 2012

Eye miniatures

Georgian eye miniature enameled mourning ring. Neo-classical design with two urns poised horizontally on the shank. The face panel has an outer rim of black enamel with finely looped gold inlay in a continuous pattern. The center chamber features a beautiful painted eye miniature. Inscription on the inside of the ring is too faint to read, but you can make out the date of 1817.
Stunningly beautiful eye miniature pendant hand-painted on ivory surrounded by pearls and with a pearl bail. Expressive brown eye with rare peek at lady's hair. Back compartment with braided hair.
Lover's eye Circa 1800 An enigmatic enamel eye in the overall eye shape referred to as a shuttle shape, used only for a few years around 1790-1800 or a touch later. The enameled eye is surrounded by a row of pearls. It measures 1 1/16 inches long by 9/16 inches high, so is quite petite. It is set into rose gold. The eye is blue, with tiny lashes and detail down to the corner of the eye, and lifelike skin and all. A touch naïve and so personal.
Text and photos selected from an immense gallery assembled at ImageEvent, which includes other types of Georgian and Victorian jewelry.

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