السبت، 15 يونيو 2013

2012 Tensegrity Publications

We are compiling the 2012 chronology, starting with publications.

As a reminder: 2012 was the year that the Mayan calendar recycled, some thought the world might restart with it--it didn't. Science news was dominated by the discovery of the Higgs boson, ending a 50-year search for the keystone in our best theory of physics. We also landed a new rover on the surface of Mars, saw a record low for Arctic sea ice, thought we saw neutrinos apparently travelling faster than the speed of light (um, no--faulty cable) and the first cargo delivery to the space station was done by private company SpaceX. London staged the Olympics.

Tensegrity research saw a continuation of increased activity with 88 articles uncovered so far, see http://tensegrity.wikispaces.com/Chronology+of+Tensegrity.

One highlight: The Art of Tensegrity by K Snelson, International Journal Of. Space Structures. Volume 27 · Number 2 & 3 · 2012. 

Snelson features there the photo of him sitting on a tower.

Below is the first draft of the articles we are compiling for the wiki. If you see any we missed, comment here, send email to tensegritywiki on gmail, or just edit the page yourself!

11-csme-74-kinematic Analysis Of A Translational 3-dof Tensegrity Mechanism by CA Mohr
A consideration of the elbow as a tensegrity structure by G Scarr
A convex analysis approach to mechanics of tensegrity structures by F Maceri
A finite element for form-finding and static analysis of tensegrity structures by D Gasparini
A Form-finding of Planar Tensegrity Structures by SJ Lee
A Model of Caterpillar Locomotion Based on Assur Tensegrity Structres by O Orki
A transformable tensegrity-ring footbridge by L Rhode-Barbarigos, R Motro
An Active Deployable Tensegrity Structure by Rhode-Barbarigos
An approach to locomotion systems based on 3D tensegrity structures with a minimal number of struts by V Böhm
Analytical Computation of the Actuator and Cartesian Workspace Boundaries for a Planar 2-Degree-of-Freedom Translational Tensegrity Mechanism by S Chen
Anatomical Illustration of Tensegrity and Dynamic Stability of the DRUJ by E Hagert
Aplicación de los principios del tensegrity a las constucciones textiles atirantadas. by P Viñamil
Badanie Wstępnie Sprężonych Modeli Komórek Przy Użyciu Analizy Wrażliwości A Survey Of Tensegrity Models Of Cells  by E POSTEK
Behavior of a Double Layer Tensegrity Grid under Static Loading: Identification of Self-Stress Level by N Angellier
Choreographic and somatic strategies for navigating bodyscapes and tensegrity schemata by S Hawksley
Comments on the Paper:" Debunking" Tensegrity"-A Personal Perspective" by L Rhode-Barbarigos
Configuration of control system for damage tolerance of a tensegrity bridge by S Korkmaz
Damage assessment of tensegrity structures using piezo transducers by S Bhalla
Debunking" Tensegrity"-A Personal Perspective by A Hanaor
Design and analysis of tensegrity power lines by S Dalilsafaei
Design aspects of a deployable tensegrity-hollow-rope footbridge by L Rhode-Barbarigos
Design, Analysis and Self Stress Setting of a Lightweight Deployable Tensegrity Modular Structure by J Averseng
Designing an Irregular Tensegrity as a Monumental Object by BS Gan
Distributed vibration control of tensegrity structure by T Li
Double Layer Tensegrity Grids by T Olejnikova
Double-layer tensegrity grids and Rot-Umbela manipulations by V Gómez-Jáuregui
Dynamic Simulation of Six-strut Tensegrity Robot Rolling by S Hirai
Experimental and numerical studies on the collapse behavior of tensegrity systems considering cable rupture and strut collapse with snap-through by B Shekastehband
Experimental validation of robust resonance entrainment for CPG-controlled tensegrity structures by T Bliss
Form-finding of tensegrity structures via genetic algorithm by K Koohestani
Formfinding and structures analysis of a tensegrity dome by D Peña
Genetically Finding Algorithm for a Tensegrity Structure by BS Gan
Improving bending stiffness of tensegrity booms by S Dalilsafaei
Initial Prestress Distribution And Natural Vibration Analysis Of Tensegrity Structures Based On Group Theory by Y Chen
Initial Prestress Optimization of Tensegrity Structures Based on Fish-Swarm Algorithm by CQ Liu
Innovative Families of Double-Layer Tensegrity Grids: Quastruts and Sixstruts by V Gomez-Jauregui
Interactive Dynamic Design and Analysis of Tensegrity Systems by J Averseng
Investigation of a double-layer tensegrity glazing system by SM Ioannis
Kinematic Analysis of a Planar Tensegrity Mechanism for Wave Energy Harvesting by RE Vasquez
Kinematic and Static Analyses of Statically Balanced Spatial Tensegrity Mechanism with Active Compliant Components by SMM Shekarforoush
Linear Analytical Solution of an Active Tensegrity Unit by S Kmet
Linear Closed-form Solution and Finite-element Analysis of an Active Tensegrity Unit by S Kmeť
Lávka Pro Pěší A Cyklisty Konstruovaná Na Bázi Tensegrity Systému by A Slabá
Mechanical Behaviour in Axial Compression of a Tensegrity Ring: Parametric Study and Rheological Model by C Franck
Mechanism-Based Approach for the Deployment of a Tensegrity-Ring Module by L Rhode-Barbarigos
Modeling Of A Collection Of Tensegrity Particles With A Non Smooth Discrete Element Method by E Postek
Modeling of caterpillar crawl using novel tensegrity structures by O Orki
Modular Tensegrity Structures: The” Tor Vergata” Footbridge by A Micheletti
Multiobjective Hybrid Optimization-Antioptimization for Force Design of Tensegrity Structures by J Zhang
Non linear behaviour of cell tensegrity models by A Alippi
Non-linear vibrations of tensegrity structures by H Ahmadian Saieni
Novel Form-Finding of Tensegrity Structures Using Ant Colony Systems by Y Chen
Novel technique for obtaining double-layer tensegrity grids by V Gómez-Jáuregui
Optimal Design of Flat Tensegrity Structure Based on the Genetic Algorithm by CJ Lu
Optimal Design of Valuted Tensegrity Structure Based on the Genetic Algorithm by C Lu
Parametric study of various tensegrity modules asbuilding blocks for slender booms by S Dalilsafaei
Position and Force Analysis of a Planar Tensegrity-Based Compliant Mechanism by Y Moon
Pre-Stressing Timber-Based Plate Tensegrity Structures by A Falk
Resonance entrainment of tensegrity structures via CPG control by TK Bliss
RNA under Tension: Folding Landscapes, Kinetic Partitioning Mechanism, and Molecular Tensegrity by JC Lin
Robust tensegrity polygons by J Geleji
Rolling tensegrity driven by pneumatic soft actuators by Y Koizumi
Self-equilibrium and stability of regular truncated tetrahedral tensegrity structures by JY Zhang
Self-equilibrium and super-stability of truncated regular polyhedral tensegrity structures: a unified analytical solution by LY Zhang
Solitary waves on tensegrity lattices by F Fraternali, L Senatore
Static Analysis of a Tensegrity Bridge using the Finite Element Method by MH Zgoul
Steady-state dynamics of a 3D tensegrity structure: Simulations and experiments by J Michielsen
Stiffness and vibration properties of slender tensegrity structures by S Dalil Safaei - 2012 - kth.diva-portal.org
Structural Performances of Single-layer Tensegrity Domes by D Cadoni
Tensegrity and motor-driven effective interactions in a model cytoskeleton by S Wang
Tensegrity and plasma for skin regeneration by S Pacini
Tensegrity by DE Ingber
Tensegrity finite element models of mechanical tests of individual cells by J Bursa
Tensegrity konstrukcije; Inovativni sustavi laganih konstrukcija by D Skejić
Tensegrity structures: from theory to design and implementation by M Abdulkareem
Tensegrity Structures; Innovative Light Structural Systems by D Skejić
Tensegrity Systeme mit Matlab/Octave by DIB Lindner
Tensegrity-based formation control of unmanned vehicles by SY Lau
Tensegrity-inspired nanocomposite structures by JH Lee
Tensile Tensegrity Structures by RE Skelton
The Analyses of Triangular Tensegrity Prisms' Pairs by Z Csšlleová
The Stress Nature of Tensegrity Units by S Yong-qun
Tone, Tensegrity and Chiropractic by DC Christopher Kent
Wind-Induced Dynamic Analysis of the Flat Tensegrity Structures in Time Domain by CJ Lu


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