الأربعاء، 5 يونيو 2013

If you're at risk for Lyme disease, read this

Excerpts from an article at Wired:
...back in March, the American Academy of Pediatrics warned of an FDA alert over an apparent shortage of doxycycline, an old and inexpensive drug that is used mostly for uncomplicated infections such as sexually transmitted diseases and acne. It is also used, though, as the first treatment for a new case of Lyme disease...

Dr. Judy Stone, who practices in western Maryland and Maine... announced the price of the drug at her community pharmacy had gone from $20 to $3,000 [for a bottle of 500 tablets].
More at the link, including a variety of informed observations in the comment thread.

Bottom line:  make an increased effort to avoid ticks and check yourself carefully after possible tick exposure (I found two on myself after a hike this week).

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