الأربعاء، 5 يونيو 2013

"We're number one, we're number one, we're number... 21"

"Moreover, this wealthiest of all wealthy nations has been steadily falling behind many other nations of the world. Consider just a few wake-up-call facts from a long and dreary list: The United States now ranks lowest or close to lowest among advanced “affluent” nations in connection with inequality (21st out of 21), poverty (21st out of 21), life expectancy (21st out of 21), infant mortality (21st out of 21), mental health (18th out of 20), obesity (18th out of 18), public spending on social programs as a percentage of GDP (19th out of 21), maternity leave (21st out of 21), paid annual leave (20th out of 20), the “material well-being of children” (19th out of 21), and overall environmental performance (21st out of 21)."
I've not read the book and can't vouce for the source or validity of the data*.  But it's food for thought.  Via Reddit.

*"The book itself was probably sparked by Panel on Understanding Cross-National Health Differences Among High-Income Countries which was a joint effort between the Committee on Population in the Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education at the National Research Council and the Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice in the Institute of Medicine. The study was sponsored by the National Institutes of Health.

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